“The majority of COVID-19 hospitalizations in the United States are attributable to FOUR preexisting cardiometabolic conditions, a new study suggests.

“The authors estimate that among the 906,849 total COVID-19 hospitalizations that had occurred among US adults as of November 2020, 30% were attributable to OBESITY; 26% to HYPERTENSION; 21% to DIABETES; and 12% to HEART FAILURE .

“From the data, the investigators estimate that almost two thirds (63.5%) of the hospitalizations were attributable to these cardiometabolic conditions and that those hospitalizations would have been PREVENTABLE had those conditions not been present.

“They estimate that a 10% reduction in these four cardiometabolic conditions would potentially have prevented 11.1% of COVID-19 hospitalizations.

“The authors believe more should be done to PROMOTE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE MEASURES to improve overall cardiometabolic health and potentially minimize the risk for severe COVID-19.

“‘It is a sad fact that this disease has been around for a whole year with millions dead and tens of millions hospitalized worldwide, and we haven't addressed one of the major ways of PREVENTING such severe outcomes,’ senior author Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, told Medscape Medical News.”

"’We are closing businesses and stopping people from seeing their loved ones, but we are not telling them to lose weight and do some exercise. We should be focusing public health messages on REDUCING DIABETES AND OBESITY as a means to REDUCING SEVERE COVID disease,’ he said.

“Mozaffarian, who is a cardiologist and dean of the Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, added: ‘If individuals exercised a little more and ate a bit more healthily, we would see improvements in diabetes and hypertension in just a few weeks. We should be shouting this from the rooftops, along with the messages to wash hands, social distance, and wear masks.’

“The study was published online on February 25 in the Journal of the American Heart Association...

“Mozaffarian stressed the need for the public to understand the IMPORTANCE OF GOOD NUTRITION. ‘This is the foundation to heath. Poor nutrition is the single biggest contributor to disease globally, and it is also contributing to COVID situation,’ he said. ‘COVID-19 is a fast pandemic on top of the slow pandemic of obesity and diabetes... 

“‘Every single day, we should be hearing advice to EAT MORE VEGETABLES and fewer chips, sodas, and processed foods and walk a bit more,’ he said. ‘This could have a massive effect on COVID disease outcomes and on overall public health.’”

Source: Whatsapp Forward


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