A mother casually calls up her son one afternoon.

*Mother*: "Hi son, how are you?"

*Son*: "I'm fine, Mom".

*Mother*: "What did you have for lunch today?"

*Son*: Don't you have anything else to ask, Mom? You only ask silly questions like, 'What did you eat?' ...'What dress are you wearing?'...'Whom did you meet.'....'What song did you listen to?'...etc etc!

*Mother*: "Oh!!!! Ok, Ok, then tell me, how should  the World Bank fight these inflationary trends with minimum intervention in the money markets? And what should be the role of the International Finance Institutions to control inflationary trends across the globe & the slowing down of the World Economy?"

*Son*: (After a few seconds silence)...."Mom, I had curd rice with pickle & salad."

*_Dedicated to all kids who underestimate their mothers._!*ЁЯШГЁЯСН


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