*How do you know you are rich*?


One day, in the class, a learned  professor  asked the following questions,

1. What is ZERO?

2. What is INFINITY?

3. Can ZERO and INFINITY be same?

Entire class thought that they  knew the answers and they replied as following,

ZERO means nothing

INFINITY means a number greater than any countable number

ZERO and INFINITY are opposite and they can never be same

Teacher  countered the students  by first talking about infinity and asked, ‘How can there be any number which is greater than any countable number?’

Now class  had no answers

He then explained the concept of infinity in a very interesting way, which any one  will be prone to remember even after many many  years

He said that imagine that there is an illiterate shepherd who can count only upto 20.

Now, if the number of sheep he has less than 20 and you ask him how many sheep he has, he can tell you the precise number (like 3, 5 14 etc.). 

However, if the number is more than 20, he is likely to say “TOO MANY”.

He then explained that in science infinity means ‘too many’ (and not uncountable)* *and in the same way zero means ‘too few’ (and not nothing)

As an example, he said that if we take the diameter of the Earth as compared to distance between Earth and Sun, the diameter of earth can be said to  be zero since it is too small.

However, when we compare the same diameter of earth with the size of a grain, diameter of earth can be said to be infinite.

Hence, he concluded that the same thing can be ZERO and INFINITE at the same time, depending on the context, or your matrix of comparison.

The relationship between richness and poverty is similar to the relationship between infinity and zero.

*It all depends on the scale of comparison with your wants*.

If your income is more than your wants, you are rich.

If your wants are more than your income, you are poor.

I consider myself rich because my wants are far less than my income.

I have become rich not so much by acquiring lots of money, but by progressively reducing my wants.

If you can reduce your wants, you too can become rich at this very moment.

Very nice appealing  interpretation ( in mathematics also if one can recall it is limit n tends to infinity / zero and it is not actually equated to  infinity or zero ) 



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