*Talk more as you get older*
*If you are young, encourage your elders to talk by calling them on the telephone daily*
Doctors say so.
*Retirees (senior citizens) should talk more because there is currently no other way to prevent memory loss. The only way is to talk more.*
There are at least three benefits to talking more to senior citizens.
*First:* Speaking activates the brain and keeps the brain active, because language & thought communicate with each other, especially when speaking quickly, which naturally results in faster thinking reflection and also enhances memory. Senior citizens who do not speak, are more likely to lose memory.
*Second:* Speaking relieves a lot of stress, avoids mental illness and reduces stress. We often say nothing, but we bury it in our hearts and suffocate ourselves. It's true! So! It would be nice to give seniors a chance to talk more.
*Third:* Speaking can exercise the active facial muscles & at the same time, exercise the throat & also increase the capacity of the lungs, at the same time, it reduces the risk of eyes & ears deterioration and reduces latent risks such as dizziness. & Deafness.
In short, for retirees, that is, senior citizens *The only way to prevent Alzheimer's is to talk as much as possible and communicate actively with people. There is no other treatment for it.*
*So, let's talk more and encourage other seniors to talk more with relatives and friends*
Read somewhere and felt like sharing. A must read for females especially ЁЯСН A few years ago, my friend had just crossed age 50. Just about 8 days later she was struck with an ailment ... And she died swiftly. In the group we received a condolence message that ..."Sad .. she is no more with us"... *RIP* ЁЯЩП Two months later I called her husband. A thought crossed my mind ..he must be devastated as he had a travelling job. Till her death she would oversee everything.. home.. education of their children... Taking care of the aged in-laws.. their sickness.. managing relatives.. _*everything, everything, everything*_ She would express at times.." my house needs my time, .. my hubby cant even make coffee tea, my family needs me for everything, but no one cares or appreciates the efforts i put in. I feel they all take me for granted ". I called her husband to see if the family needed any support, as, i felt her hubby must be feel...
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