Srinivasa Ramanujan the world renowned genius mathematician is said to be so engrossed in his mathematical study and discovery that he lost track of food and sleep. Such is passion, that it elevates one from basic human instincts and helps transcend them. However the body being the functional reservoir of energy and consciousness needs to be nourished and cared for. It is said Ramanujams mother and wife made sure they would not disturb him, they would prepare food, roll them into morsels and keep the plate near his door, so that he would just need to gulp them down and sit back for his upasana (worshipping math). Had it not been for these women, the soul that has descended to enrich the world of mathematics would have perished without having acomplished the task. It is also a very significant feature in his life that in his words he emphasised how "namagiri tayar" mahalakshmi in her deity form would guide him in his pursuit of knowledge. The formulae and solutions according to him dawned on his mental plane after he prayed to her. What else can be a tell tale sign of the grace of the mother, than this, that she ensures nourishment of the body, mind and soul complex and makes sure the mission of the soul is acomplished.
We remember achievements, we forget the achievers and may be we do not even attempt to recognise all the women behind the achiver and the achievements. Her modesty is such that she chooses to remain like the unseen thread that holds the flowers together into a beautiful garland.
Happy Women's Day ☺️ЁЯТХ
Read somewhere and felt like sharing. A must read for females especially ЁЯСН A few years ago, my friend had just crossed age 50. Just about 8 days later she was struck with an ailment ... And she died swiftly. In the group we received a condolence message that ..."Sad .. she is no more with us"... *RIP* ЁЯЩП Two months later I called her husband. A thought crossed my mind ..he must be devastated as he had a travelling job. Till her death she would oversee everything.. home.. education of their children... Taking care of the aged in-laws.. their sickness.. managing relatives.. _*everything, everything, everything*_ She would express at times.." my house needs my time, .. my hubby cant even make coffee tea, my family needs me for everything, but no one cares or appreciates the efforts i put in. I feel they all take me for granted ". I called her husband to see if the family needed any support, as, i felt her hubby must be feel...
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